Saturday 9 February 2013

Auntie Judy and the kids

It was good having Auntie Judy visit with us, but the kids were not prepared it seems. They were shy and retiring at first and efforts to do a video for her album did not meet with great success. At least the children met her in person and can say that they met a "real live recording gospel artist!"

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Easter activities

Door hangers with lots
of creativity

Book marks

Door hangers done by the
younger ones

Sunday 26 February 2012

Sunday 15 January 2012

Our first Saturday in 2012

Our first Saturday for 2012 started out with a long overdue birthday celebration.
 A fun game of tumbling towers kept these boys laughing. They loved the dare of it all as the faces show!
 Helping a young one complete his worksheet. This auntie was an answer to prayer that Saturday afternoon!
OKeee! Clearly not everyone loves being photographed, while others don't seem to mind!

Saturday 3 December 2011

This little one is quite spunky. I've yet to see him back down from a challenge. He handled this scenario quite well after a retake. Again, I can't say enough how pleased I am that the boys are comfortable making mistakes and trying again. Gush, gush, gloat, gloat. . .really, thank you Jesus!
 Our Christmas party for 2011. After a rainy week God promised me good weather this morning as I talked to Him about the day, and good weather it was! The kids had fun and so did the adults. The food was great.  I have to call the chef and thank her. Here the boys are doing their thing for the camera.
Striking poses as only boys can!

The girls with their candy canes!
Food having been served, the kids gravitated to the only table that was available that evening. Although some one had locked up all the chairs and there was only this table, we made do with kiddie chairs, lively music and lots of good cheer (pun intended;-)) Moving out of the picture at the left is the lady who keeps the place tidy for us to enjoy ourselves.